There’s a lot of scoffing at detoxes about. Sure aren’t we grand just the way we are, we’re told. The body is well able to cleanse and alkalise itself we’re told. Our kidneys and liver can do their job unassisted, we’re told. Detox culture leads to body dysmorphia and eating disorders we’re told.

Why is it then that most people who do regular detoxes look so perfectly healthy?

Just look at 48 year old mother of two Amanda Holden on her detox holiday in Turkey in her white one piece, looking so comfortable in her skin, sipping her green juice and clearly delighted with herself. Why wouldn’t she be? She’s a sight to behold.

Other detox advocates include new mum Meghan Markle, Gwyneth Paltrow, Beyonce, Demi Moore and Carol Vorderman. Can detoxes really be that bad for you?

Well I’m on one, my first detox ever. Five days in, it feels a bit like the cold turkey scene from Trainspotting. Perhaps without any babies climbing the ceiling but there’s certainly aches, pains and a strong sense of withdrawal, possibly from too much wine, bread, chips and pasta.

I can’t stop sneezing, have a runny nose and a large spot has turned up on my temple.

This is no surprise. My guide, Robert Morse ND, has me well warned things will get worse before they get better in his book: The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration. In fact he says it could take up to a year to be truly detoxed. His advice: Take it one day at a time and just add vegetables if it gets too tough. The electrical energy from fruits can help eliminate toxins at an alarming rate.

There’s no faddy powders or supplements, it’s simply up to you to take charge of your health. Dr Morse is also a herbalist and recommends we enlist the powers of herbs to assist the detox. You’ll find his range on Our Botanicals by clicking HERE.

My ‘meals’ consists of mostly fresh, organic fruit including avocados and tomatoes. I’m not hungry at all funnily enough, my eyes look alert and my stomach (whisper it, my problem area) is feeling great relief.

The back of my neck which is normally tense, is feeling achy while my usually swollen lymph nodes have receded. This is enough to convince me it’s working.

Now before you query all those simple sugars, Robert Morse is 45 years in the healing business with staggering results pulling his patients back from the disease of acidosis. His motto: Alkalise. Alkalise. Alkalise.

Morse says our digestive system is closest to our primate cousins who are frugivores, that’s why children alway pick fruit over veggies.

Yes it’s the sugar and yes because they instinctively reach for what will digest best with its alkalising effect on the body. Morse is critical of our treatment culture and favours eliminating the cause of disease, an overburdened lymph system, through detox. He say fruit for cleaning, veggies for building. Simple.

Now I know there’ll be nutritionists out there who will disagree, doctors who’ll wag the finger but we’re at a point, where we must figure things out by ourselves.

Money and vested interests have corrupted nutritional advice. We must engage our critical faculties to figure out how best to nourish ourselves and listen to our bodies when our systems want a break from the incessant chomping.

An all fruit diet may seem extreme to one person, to another separating cows from their calves for milk and cheese is another form of extreme. We have to decide. It’s not about being bikini ready, although I wouldn’t say no. Ultimately it’s about taking greater responsibility for our health.