The government are hoodwinking the Irish people into believing the €800 tax free monthly recognition payment (for homeowners who rent their homes to Ukrainians) is under review (just like they’re trying to pretend employed IPAS residents will soon pay a contribution toward accommodation costs). A GE is imminent. 

Minister Roderic O’Gorman warned however that changes to the payment would impact thousands of Ukrainians, but FAILED TO MENTION the Irish people priced out of the rental market because they’re unable to compete.

The Minister said any change would require answers around where alternative accommodation would be provided. Again, he FAILED TO MENTION the countless numbers of Irish people who the government have failed to provide accommodation for. He also FAILED TO MENTION that working Irish people are distinctly relegated to second class citizens because they have to pay ALL accommodation costs (unlike working Ukrainians or IPAS).

Sinn Féin’s Pearse Doherty claimed that 1,000 homes are joining the €800 euro scheme every month, but FAILED TO MENTION his party has fully supported prioritising refugees and IPAS applicants over Irish citizens. He also FAILED TO MENTION they continue to FULLY SUPPORT open borders. His leader Mary Lou McDonald was on The Week In Politics yesterday espousing that crime involving migrants victims should carry heftier punishments than crimes where Irish natives are victims.

Does she understand this means that Irish victims would be lesser in the eyes of the law than people who were born outside of the country? You bet she does. 

McDonald also stated that migrants deserve to feel safe, but FAILED TO MENTION that NO ONE (including law abiding immigrants) feel safe anymore because there are so many entering the country are not criminally background checked, and virtually everyone is untraceable from a document point of view. 

She FAILED TO MENTION that Irish people also have a right to feel safe and she ALSO FAILED TO MENTION that (judging by daily mainstream news reports) male migrants seem heavily OVER represented in the Irish courts, particularly in sexual assault cases (and most seem to be receiving suspended sentences, meaning they’re not placed on a sex offenders register).

Meanwhile Holly Cairns TD, leader of the Social Democrats said to Green Party leader Minister O Gorman: “People at home will be interested to know that people seeking international protection are not counted in monthly homeless figures, they’re not entitled to stay in emergency accommodation – under this Government they’re not even guaranteed a bed or a tent.”

But the Social Democrats leader FAILED TO MENTION that none of that has prevented them being  prioritised over Irish homeless adults and children REGARDLESS. 

Minister O’Gorman mirrored Cairns comments and said IP applicants have no right to housing supports, no right to HAP and have no right to access homeless services – which also applied to Ukrainians.

Yet he ALSO FAILED TO MENTION that somehow all these groups are nonetheless more of a priority to him as a Minister than Irish children or adults who are in need.

All in all, they ALL FAILED TO MENTION just how little they give a toss about Irish people. The proof is in the pudding and right now the pudding is grim for many. 62% of people are struggling to make ends meet and 230,000 children in this country live in deprivation (out of a possible 1.2 million).

There is little supporting evidence that any of those here mentioned care, or will do anything to bring change. The only one who has brought change to this country so far is O Gorman – and it has been overwhelmingly negative. The other three will be no better. 


When someone shows you who they are, BELIEVE THEM.

They HAVEN’T FAILED to show you the truth…

so make sure you don’t fail to 


Susanne Delaney 

(Independent Candidate, Dublin West)

Follow Susanne D on X: https://x.com/IrishInquiry