Hypnovel – another name for midazolam or midazolam hydrochloride to be more precise. This was the product dispensed in nursing homes across Ireland as part of Covid-19 end-of-life protocols, or euthanasia if you will. Involuntary euthanasia at that. The HPRA.ie tells us ‘Hypnovel contains the active substance midazolam, which belongs to a group of medicines known as benzodiazepines”. The Health Products Regulatory Authority also outlines the possible side-effects for older recipients.
Elderly patients: Life-threatening side effects are more likely to occur in adults over 60 years of age and those who already have breathing difficulties or heart problems, particularly when the injection is given too quickly or at a high dose.

Researcher Denise Kelly has finally uncovered the link between the drug and so-called Covid-19 deaths in residential homes from data extracted under a FOI request. A series of tweets delivered the much needed information that has been sorely missing from the midazolam conversation in Ireland.

Denise Kelly also provides the ‘official’ Covid-19 death data from HSE Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) – a specialist service for the surveillance of communicable diseases, part of Health Service Executive. Note the spike in deaths in April 2020 and again in January 2021 which may also be connected to the roll-out of the Covid-19 vaccination programme.

The receipts are in including the minutes of a HSE meeting from May 2020 discussing midazolam stock levels.

On January 21, 2024 The Sunday Independent reported:
Nursing home operators will be compelled to hand over documents relating to the pandemic at the upcoming Covid inquiry, according to the terms of reference put to government by a law firm representing families who lost loved ones to Covid-19.
PA Duffy and Co Solicitors, a firm representing over 50 families, has called for the publication of the Terms of Reference of Ireland’s inquiry without delay.
The firm has written to the Government in relation to the inquiry, urging that “any investigation must comply with domestic and international human rights standards”.
It is clear that no Covid Inquiry will be worthy of its name without a full audit and investigation into the use of midazolam in care homes and hospitals throughout Ireland.
This important research is the first big step towards establishing justice for those who died under Covid-19 end-of-life guidelines. It also exposes the deception of the so-called pandemic.
To study more of Denise Kelly’s research, you can find her on X HERE.